Hey y’all! My name is Bay. I wanted to give a little preview of what to expect from my blog. I plan to do a star review out of 5, a spice level (if the book has no spice it will always be 0), and a brief summary to start off each post. I will then write “SPOILERS AHEAD” once I get to my actual review. I want to make sure that we all have loads of fun so these will be very informal reviews. I want to feel like we are best friends sitting on the couch with cozy blankets, glasses of wine, and chatting about the last book we read. I have read about 120 books so far in 2024 and I would really love to go back to the beginning and review all of those books. Because of this, there may be some reviews that are shorter than others as I might not remember much about the books.
While I am going through those books, I will also be making posts for any books that I am currently reading so that you get more in depth book reviews at the same time. I do want to add that I have a full time job in addition to this blog so I may not read books very consistently. I am unsure how that will fair for the frequency of my posts in the future. However, I have a lot of catching up to do for now so you can expect at least one review a week.
Next, I would like to touch on book series. My main plan is to do a review for each individual book and a full series review once I complete it. Once I figure this website out a bit more, I would love to be able to take those reviews and group them together or link the other reviews somehow so they can all be accessed easily. A good thing to note, sometimes I will not finish a series. I typically have a pathological need to finish the books or series that I start even if I am not enjoying them. However, I can think of two series off the top of my head that I am currently in the middle of and haven’t wanted to pick back up for the last few months. If I get enough requests to finish these, I will do my best to finish them so I can let you all know how they are.
I want this to be a positive space for both those who are here for the reviews and for those that are just looking for recommendations. This includes not spoiling things for anyone who has yet to read a book. I currently have the comments turned on for my posts. I would like this to be a kind, positive, and safe space for all so I will either turn them off or remove anyone who does not choose to remain kind. I welcome all positive discussions regarding my reviews. Everyone’s opinion is valid and I would love to hear all of yours as well.
Finally, to close out each blog, I will include the next book I plan to read. There is always a chance that this will change since I am a mood reader, but fingers crossed that I can stick to my word on that part.
Thank you so so much for being here with me. Since I am new to this, I would absolutely love any comments you have on how to make my website or my content better. If you want shorter and more to the point reviews, you can find me on Instagram @bays_books_ where I will be posting just star reviews and a brief description of how I felt about the book.
- Bay XO